Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is the founding land of Buddhism in Vietnam

At the beginning of the summer we followed a path of red soil that was lined with houses and recently cultivated green paddy. The fields were patiently awaiting the fall crop. As the path led on we came to Tay Thien and some famers working in their lush emerald fields. In the distance I watched as some storks flew gracefully across the horizon. Life in Tay thien, Tam Dao is so peaceful.

It was raining heavily the day we left Hanoi for Tam Dao. When we arrived in Vinh Yen city, the sky was cloudless. We continued heading to Tam Dao to visit Truc Lam Tay thien Zen Monastery. Some sections on the road were being repaired so the driver had to drive slowly. Everyone tried to capture the peaceful scenes of the countryside with their cameras.

After climbing up a stone stair, we stood in front of the Zen monastery’s three – door Gate and I heard the bell echoing through the air. Its Dai Dung Great Temple is so left hand of the hand and the statue of Vajradhara on the right hand and the statue of Gautama Buddha in the middle with his warm glint.

Walking around the buildings, you can almost taste the tranquility and calm in the air. Looking down from the temple, you can see the immense delta and residential see the immense delta and residential area where the local people live. Visiting the monastery one time is not enough to fully understand it. However what you see and hear at Truc Lam Tay Thien Zen Monastery brings a piece of mind that no tranquilizer can offer.

If we had more time, none of us would have chosen to leave this monastery. However neither could anyone choose to leave their life to live in the world of Buddhism for to the rest of their lives!

Leaving Truc Lam Zen Monastery, we drove a further 10km to Tam Dao. The road wound around until we swathe Ha stream. The head wound our group said that we would stay at Tam Dao Belvedere Resort for the night. The resort is built on a mountain slope, some kilometers away from Tam Dao town.

Belvedere Resort stands out in a forest of green trees. Chayote fields are cultivated at the foot of terraced fields. In the distance, a waterfall is cascading to the valley. Looking down, the valley is covered with clouds. Belvedere Resort looks like Heaven on Earth.

Most people were surprised at the Tam Dao because in their mind Tam Dao was very old. No one could imagine that Tam Dao had changed so much.

It rained heavily while we had dinner at a luxurious restaurant in the Belvedere Resort. We hearted many stories about this sacred temples, new houses and the chayote shoots and fruits which are made of chayote shoots and fruits such as variety of dishes made of chayote shoots and fruits such as baked chayote, fried chayote shoots, chayote salad, etc. if you have to chance to enjoy delicious hides processed from chayote shoots and fruits, you will have a new opinion of Tam Dao.

Stylish travelers enjoy trekking and consider it a challenge to overcome their fears. You should go to a forest like the one here at least once on a rainy day because you have many unforgettable experiences.

We had a challenging trip following the winding path of the mountain. The rain and clouds surrounded our car. We couldn’t even see each other clearly in the car. Family, we climbed the mountain. Looking down, we saw Tam Dao town disappearing in the clouds. Only some lights were trying to shine not in heaven. It made me feel as if I were a god flying in the clouds and ruling the world.

For a little we marveled at the spectacle of the rain in the forest, but too soon we had to return to the Belvedere Resort. The way back also was so adventurous because an interesting. Staying in a luxurious room at the Belvedere Resort I dreamt of the day past and this heavenly land.

The waterfall in Tam Dao seemed to become angry from the heavy rain the previous might from the balcony; I saw the paddy fields and villages bobbing in the clouds. On that day, we took a visit to Ba Bac waterfall at the foot of the mountain near Belvedere Resort. We went down over one hundred stone steps with many lands of trees along two sides. When we heard the sound of the waterfall echoing loudly, I knew that we were about to reach the waterfall. It was surprising that there was a suspension bridge crossing the stream right next to the waterfall. I went across and continued into the primeval forest. Only when I saw a bungalow of Belvedere Resort did I feel at ease because this area is still very primitive. Arriving at a thin forest, I raised my eyes and saw the masses of clouds flying. The chayote fields suddenly disappeared in the clouds. But in just a minute everything reappeared like a miracle. I was very amazed. I felt if we up in the clouds.

In their afternoon we climbed to the Ba Chua Thuong Ngan (Goddess of Mountain) temple the Peak of the Tam Dao Mountain and dropped in at the Tam Dao market. On the way to the sacred temple, we saw chayote everywhere. Farmers take full advantage of hills, roadsides, gardens and even the lands around French – built villas to grow the vegetable. After the rain yesterday, the trees and chayote grew with vigor. At the market, we bought some kilos of chayote shoots as a unique gift for our dear friends in the city.

As scheduled, we went down the mountain in the late afternoon to head back to Hanoi before 7pm. We will be at work as usual tomorrow but we’ll never forget the relaxing moments in Tay Thien, Tam Dao and at the Belvedere resort.

This article written by Lanh Nguyen from Vietnam Heritage Travel
For original article, please visit:

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