Friday, September 9, 2011

An amazing offer

Not long ago, e rumor spread around Hanoi. The owner of the new Dong Son Drum Restaurant would reportedly give US$10,000 to anyone who could spot any fakes among his collection of ancient Dong Son bronze drums, while it’s sounded like a hoax, further investigation revealed that the restaurant had posted the following challenge:
To protect our name, as well as to ensure the display of real antiques, we welcome your assessment of the antiques shown in the restaurant. F you can prove that any antique is fake, we will be pleased to offer you a $10,000 reward for each antique proven to be fake (with scientific evidence).

History books claim that after defeating the army of Lac Viet people’s bronze horse. In the 10th century, after regaining independence from China, the Viet monarch, King Dinh Tien Hoang, ordered that bronze drums be collected and distributed to temples to be used us objects of worship. These drums stand as objects of worship. These drums stand as symbols of Vietnamese culture, passed down from generation to generation. The drums on display at the Bronze Drum Restaurant are beautiful specimens.

Designed by a British design firm, the restaurant resembles a luxurious museum. Glass doors block any noise from the street, while the smartly- dressed waitresses are polite but unobtrusive.
Antiques are set into alcoves along the stone staircase, allowing guest to appreciate their beauty. Bronze drums, stone wares and pottery items are on display in the upstairs dining room, with the five most valuable drums showcased in a glass cabinet. The biggest drum bears a label explaining that it is the largest Dong Son drum unearthed in Vietnam, and is 2, 000 years old. The wall behind the glass case is decorated with a gold relist mural of the Hung Kings.

In the center of the dining room stands a small stage its roof decorated with chim lac, the stylized water birds often seen on Dong Son era bronze – wares. VIP rooms lie to the right, while a large outdoor terrace lies to the left. Miniature fountains, waterfalls and lawn give this outdoor area a cool, relaxing atmosphere.

The menu features 100 dishes from throughout Southeast Asia, with Vietnamese dishes accounting for one third.

“We have gotten people’s initial interest, but maintaining a prestigious reputation is more important,” says the restaurant’s manager. Tran Quoc Minh. “We are working hard to run a five star restaurant. Guests can look forward to delicious food, good service and, last but not least, elegant surroundings.”

This article written by Lanh Nguyen from Vietnam Heritage Travel
For original article, please visit:

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