Monday, July 25, 2011

Hidden treasure

The speedboat bounces the waves of Nha Trang‘s bay, bearing s towards Ninh Van Island. Upon glimpsing the lonely island, dotted with huge slabs of stone, I am over with curiosity. Even the resort’s name is intriguing: Hideaway

The sky is deep blue. The sea shines like an immense sparking mirror. I hear the sounds of lapping waves and birdsong. In the distance I can see some wooden, thatched-roofed villas perched on cliff tops or tucked into the trees at the edge of the turquoise sea.

The impression of landing on a deserted island vanishes as the resort’s marketing director, management board and other staff step forward to welcome us with broad smiles and warm handshakes. The reception area is located in a stilt house, its two floors decorated in a style that is simple yet luxurious.

A white sandy path threads through ancient trees. My 11year- old son and I step through the foliage to discover or villa hidden in a pretty garden, the stillness broken by a few the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Made of wood, the villa has two floors. The first floors hold a snowy white bed from which one can gaze at the swimming pool. A rough wooden ladder leads up to the second floor, where two armchairs beckon offering a view of the garden and sea.

A basket if fresh fruit and a bottle of champagne are there to greet us, along with a letter from the resort’s director, I am reminded of another time in my life when. After traveling a great distance and arriving in a strange place, I found s letter. It was 20years ago and I had just arrived in Minsk to study. A letter from my boyfriend, then studying in Moscow, was lying on the table, “I hope that after an extremely long flight, when you arrive in your dormitory and open this letter you will feel as if you have come home after a long journey...”

Time passes. That boyfriend got married and settled in Russia. My memories of that short, student love story have faded too, although the echo of what I felt when I read that letter will remain with me forever.

Night set in. following a line of flickering torches we walk to a monumental wooden restaurant set in the hills facing towards the sea. The décor is elegant and relaxed, with typical Vietnamese elements such as wooden pillars, a palm roof, and a bamboo fence. Surrounded by sparkling candles guest sample lobster, shrimp and other dishes, all grilled on a stone-topped stove.
Next morning, mu son jumps on a bicycle found in our villa’s yard and sets off down a sandy track. He looks so free and happy. After circling the island he is excited to see a white faced black monkey jumping into the swimming pool to drink. As I dry my son off I ask, “Do you feel relaxed enough to stay for four days?”

“I want to stay for s whole month!” he says.”Look Mon! Squirrels have eaten part of the fruit basket since we forgot to put it in the fridge!”

Cobblestone paths lead up the hills to other villas, some tucked into the hillside. Other perched on the cliff tops. All of these places offer views of the sea: breaking waves, sails far off in the distance, twilight fading over the waves… In such a thatched-roof cottage you will certainly feel at peace, as if a calm sea of love were covering the whole world.

Four days pass quickly. It is time to go home, to our confused lives. There are only a few people o the boat, but dozens of hands waving goodbye to the Evason Hideaway was life like waking from a beautiful dream in which my soul was at ease. I realized that it had far too long since I had felt such inner peace.

This article written by Lanh Nguyen from Vietnam Heritage Travel
For original article, please visit:

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