Friday, July 1, 2011

The Hanoian the thousand-year essence

The Hanoian-these are simple words, yet words the price. That is the reason why many rural people, although much in love with their home town, still want to be called “Hanoian” if they live in the capital city.

Through time, the creation of languages, great architectural works and valuable traditions, history can be made and changed. What still remains is the human being – the creator of those culture values. Hence, the modern Hanoian can be considered the connectors to the legacy, and great contributors to the strength and unique characteristics of Vietnamese people.

When King Ly Thai To moved the capital of the whole country could Thang Long- Ha Noi officially be recognized as the of all dynasties and the crossroads of many great and ambitious heroes.

The Hanoian – the name that has an unbelievable significance among all Vietnamese people. Maybe it is because of the value of the land which has been passed down from generation to generation for a thousand years. The Hanoian – a simple yet very proud title. That’s the reason why many rural people. Although much in love with their hometown, still want to be called Hoianan when they live in the capital city. Hanoi brings a very special feeling even to people who have never been there.

Vietnam Airlines – the National Aviation Company, loyal to every Vietnamese citizen recently made a journey in search of correct depiction of the people of land with a thousand-years of civilization. They did this through “The Hanoian” series screened on Vietnam Television (VTV). This is the journey of the exploration of cultural values which can only be discovered slowly and which careful contemplation. This is also the journey of love and pride which has connected generations to generations, through the typical taste of Hanoi Pho, the moving sound of the guitar of Van Vuong – a blind artist who has always wanted to be to see his beloved Hanoi even once in his life, through the image of Hang Trong ancient paintings being finished by the last remaining artist the sight of Mr. Nguyen Phuong Hung – the only remaining blacksmith still working studiously in an ancient craft steer, of painter Bao Nguyen dedicated to this portraits and still working from an old house in Hang Dao streets and one of the most famous artists, Nhu Quynh teaching her two daughters how to cook “bun thang”, a traditional food of Hanoi.

For Vietnam Airlines, Hanoi is not only a tourist attraction known its festivals and colorful commemorative art works. The journey in search of a true depiction of the Hanoian is a long one, which goes deep to the soul of the each individual and the pride only multiplies as the life’s journey goes on. The artists of Hanoi as well as the ordinary Hanoian seem to have distinguishable characters. One researcher even called it a “scholarly” style. The Hanoian never tolerates carelessness. Every value must be raised to a high level, but mot necessary in a complicated and ceremonious way. That is what really makes the intellectual and noble Hanoian.
The land of Hanoi, with its previous names of Thang Long and Ke Cho, must be very different from before. Nevertheless, the culture can never be easily lost, even in the fast to ones who know how to love and look for small yet very meaningful values.

This article written by Lanh Nguyen from Vietnam Heritage Travel
For original article, please visit:

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